As for women, the men’s genitals are best examined last. Broadly look for scars, injuries, redness, inflammation, tenderness, discharge. Examine the inside of the thigh for injuries similar to examination of women. The men need to be tested for sexually transmitted disease and offered preventive and treatment options similar to that for women.
The skin of the male genitals is tough and wounds are an indication that considerable force has been used. Wounds then heal with relatively small scars. It is therefore necessary to examine the area thoroughly if there is a history of injury, or if electricity has been applied through clips. As for women, the insides of the thighs may also have been injured.
Men who are sexually assaulted in detention may develop an erection and sometimes ejaculate. This is often quite distressing. It can be a physiological response to stimulation of the prostate following anal penetration, and/or a consequence of emotional arousal from anger, fear and pain. Survivors should be reassured that this can happen to any man irrespective of his sexual orientation.
As with sexual assault of women described above, male victims of sexual violence also need to be assessed for prophylaxis of sexually transmitted diseases, Hepatitis B and HIV.